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Become the Best Leader You Can with Executive Leadership Coaching

Just as athletes need a good coach to perfect their form, executives also need someone to refine their leadership skills so they can effectively direct people toward a common goal. That’s why EMS offers personal, energizing, and transformative Executive Leadership Coaching.

Long-Term Executive Leadership Coaching

EMS’s Executive Leadership Coaching program lasts 6-12 months or more, depending on your needs. You work intimately with your coach through face-to-face meetings, phone calls, emails, and text messages. You can expect privacy and confidentiality from EMS, as well as an attitude of mutual respect.

Transformative Executive Coaching

The process begins with a series of conversations with you, your manager, and your direct reports. Their feedback, along with your own personal goals, will help you and your coach create a game-plan. The coaching can focus on management skills, business strategy, communication style, and more. Armed with new strategies and the accountability a coach provides, you’ll gradually shift your approach and start becoming the leader you’re meant to be.

Features of Executive Leadership Coaching

  • Spans 6-12 Months
  • 360° Reviews with Management & Direct Reports
  • Monthly Face-To-Face Meetings
  • Unlimited Text Messages, Emails, & Phone Calls

If you’re not ready for individual coaching, try one of EMS’s group options such as customized or public workshops or corporate seminars.

Are You Looking To Improve Your Communication Skills?