Last week, Eric had a twenty-minute, one-on-one conversation with David Axelrod, President Obama’s chief campaign strategist and advisor. Many of you know that Eric has no fear of approaching anyone, and he seized the opportunity while waiting for a flight at O’Hare.

They discussed various policies, the political climate, attracting younger voters, and the Middle East, but of course the conversation had to turn to the speaking style of Mr. Axelrod’s boss. Eric passed along our advice that the President needs to work on his eye contact. He connects best with audiences by looking us in the eye (or the camera) so everyone gets the feeling that “he’s talking to me.”

Eric encouraged Axelrod to pass along the message that Obama must stop speaking while looking down as he begins to answer questions. The response? “I’ll be sure to tell him.”

Did the advice work? Read our next posting. And now they’ve got our business card, so look out Washington DC, here comes EMS!